Expert physical therapy specializing in pelvic health.
All your pelvic health rehabilitation needs in one place! Pelvic pain of any kind, bowel, bladder and sexual dysfunction are all conditions we treat daily.
Our Services
We offer physical therapy focused on pelvic healthcare including bowel, bladder, sexual dysfunction, and for the many presentations of pelvic pain.
Common Conditions
There is a broad range of conditions within the categories of pelvic dysfunction. Learn more here about how flow rehab can address these issues.
New Patients Welcome
Are you interested in becoming a new patient at Flow? We are accepting new patients at this time in our Seattle clinic or as a virtual visit in Washington state.
Read more in our blog about some common pelvic health concerns and how pelvic rehabilitation can support patients in their healing and recovery.
The world is full of suffering. It is also full of overcoming it.
-Helen Keller