Bladder Health

Bladder Health

Bladder dysfunction can include pain when the bladder fills or empties, difficulty keeping urine in the bladder or getting urine out. If the bladder urges are too strong or too often, or the bladder wakes you up at night, life (and sleep) can be very interrupted.

Uterine & Ovarian Health

Uterine & Ovarian Health

The reproductive organs are susceptible to dysfunction and can lead to pain that affects function. Smooth muscle contractions of the uterus during menstruation can be severely painful and make several days every month challenging.

Bowel Health

Bowel Health

Simple strategies such as re-training how you use your muscles to more easily empty your colon can provide quick recovery. Fecal incontinence, or loss of stool, can also be treated but may require a little more time to improve.

chronic pain & ortho

Chronic pain in one or multiple areas of the body is also something we are comfortable treating, whether the pain started after an injury, a car accident, or perhaps a surgery. If you have a body part such as the neck, a knee, or shoulder that is painful


Kids deserve to have knowledge about how to improve their pelvic health, and families deserve support to build strategies and develop habits to improve quality of life.////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////


physical therapy can help optimize your soft tissue health and avoid complications that can arise.//////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////

pregnancy and postpartum

Pregnancy & Postpartum

The more a person knows in pregnancy about all of the physiologic changes, and the physical challenges the body may face, the easier it can be to recognize when rehab is needed. Many people have questions about their

sexual health

Sexual Health

that typically is not spoken about. Muscles, nerves, and overall pelvic health can affect sexual health, and there are many ways that physical therapy can address issues causing pain, affecting function, or limiting pleasure.


Testicular, Prostate

caused by pain sources nearby, and not necessarily coming from the organs themselves. Scrotal symptoms might involve a pulling up of the testicles pain. Prostate pain may begin after an infection, or even when the muscles that surround the prostate or tense

Pelvic Pain

pelvic pain is one of our most sought after specialities and it’s a condition we treat every single day. There are so many different names for pelvic pain, and the bottom line is that those names don’t always affect the treatment approach..

Transgender Health

about rehabilitation for people in the transgender and nonbinary population and we are excited to be among the clinics who support their care. It’s important for us to understand gender confirming surgeries that a person may choose to have,


can create distress and discomfort. Strengthening and learning to avoid worsening of prolapse can reduce symptoms dramatically. Learning about options such as pessaries and other methods to support soft tissues can also help to ease discomfort.